Dad's Tackle Box
By J.Y. Jones
Nordskog Publishing 2011
Fiction, Christian Fiction
ISBN: 978-0983195702
Georgia Outdoor Writers Association 2011 First Place winning color-illustrated memoir, 12th book by the author of Worship Not the Creature. You will enjoy sharing a personal and insightful look at history, with old photos and family connections back to the author s great, great, grandfather who fought in the Civil War. It tells the interesting story of his father s life, from a one-room schoolhouse to becoming the youngest Master Sergeant ever by age 18, and finally able to pursue his passion for fishing in his retirement years. He didn't mind competition because he always won. He could out-fish any man alive, and sometimes wound up catching so many he would pass them out to other boats. Looking into his amazing tackle box, I gained insight into my father that nothing else revealed.
From $6.58 - Paperback

Worship Not The Creature: Animal Rights And The Bible
J.Y. Jones
BookLocker, 2005
Just as Americas wise Founding Fathers discovered latent tyranny in a penny tea tax, Dr. Jones powerfully exposes the radical political agenda of the contemporary animal rights movement. With careful argument, he reveals the animal rights movement as a potentially significant menace to liberty and even to Christianity itself. ...more

Lightspeed To Babylon
J.Y. Jones
BookLocker, 2005
Have you ever wondered what would happen to the world if radical animal rights groups were given everything they wanted? Can't happen, you say? There is increasing evidence that it can indeed happen, and in fact, Biblical prophecy indicates that it very well may happen! Lightspeed to Babylon is an end-times novel and a science fiction tale, but it is distinctly different from any other. ...more

Blind Ambition
J.Y. Jones
BookLocker, 2011
Unethical ophthalmologist under demonic control does unnecessary surgery, kills wife. Woven into the plot behind the scenes is an ongoing battle between good and evil, personified by the activities of numerous angels and demons. This is a gripping story you simply cannot put down!...more

Crossing the Burn
J.Y. Jones
BookLocker, 2003
A strong spiritual message develops out of a young Appalachian mountain boy's relationships to his guardian angel, elderly neighbors, his boyhood adventures, and tensions between him and unsavory elements among local people. These ingredients form the backdrop for an exciting murder mystery.....more

Ask the Whitetail Guides
J.Y. Jones
Safari Press, 2009
The Ask the Guides series of books, authored by J. Y. Jones, is the most successful series of North American hunting books ever published by Safari Press. The books are thorough, rely on the most trusted and reliable guides in the industry, and...more