J.Y. Jones Bio
About The Author
J. Y. Jones, MD is an avid hunter who has taken all North American big game species using the same Remington .30-06 rifle, resulting in the book One Man, One Rifle, One Land (Safari Press, 2001); Dr. Jones helped Safari Press produce the Ask the Guides series, their most successful North American hunting books. Dr. Jones has been an eye physician and surgeon for four decades. He is a decorated Vietnam veteran, speaks Spanish and Russian, and has volunteered in more than twenty-three overseas eye-surgery mission trips. He has received numerous awards for writing and photography, and is a frequent speaker at sportsmen's events, where he particularly enjoys sharing his Christian testimony. J. Y. and his wife Linda have been married since 1964.

J.Y. Jones Biography
Date of Birth:
September 17, 1944 (Son of Mr. and Mrs. Young G. Jones)
Place of Birth:
Calhoun, GA, United States of America
Marital Status:
Married since January 18, 1964, to Linda Grace Webb Jones
Dublin, GA 31021
Contact J.Y. Jones
High School: South Gwinnett High School, Snellville, GA 1962 (STAR Student 1962)
College: North Georgia College, Dahlonega, GA Bachelor of Science 1965 (Nu Gamma Scholastic Honor Society)
Medical School:
Medical College of Georgia Medical Doctor 1969
Internship: Spartanburg General Hospital, 1969-1970
Residency: Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Ophthalmology, 1972-75
Board Certified: American Board of Ophthalmology, 1976
Service Experience:
United States Army, 1970-76
Vietnam veteran, tour of duty in Vietnam October 5, 1970-October 5, 1971
Honors received:
Bronze star medal
Air medal (2)
Army commendation medal
Tours of duty: Republic of Vietnam (above); Fort Huachuca, AZ October 1971-June 1972; Walter Reed Army Medical Center (above); Madigan Army Medical Center June 1975-June 1976.
Professional Memberships:
American Academy of Ophthalmology
Medical Association of Georgia
Laurens County Medical Society (President 1978)
Fairview Park Hospital Medical Staff (President 1983)
Southern Medical Association
Georgia Society of Ophthalmology (Vice President 1983)
Council Member 1979-1982, 1984-1986
Nonprofessional Memberships:
National Rifle Association (Life Member) NRA Golden Eagle
Safari Club International (Life Member) Region 16 Representative 1994-96, Director-at-Large 1998-2006; Chairman, Nominating Committee 2005-2006; also served on the Conservation Committee, Publications Committee, Humanitarian Services Committee, Trophy Records Committee, Long Range Planning Committee, and Governmental Affairs Committee.
The Grand Slam Club (Life Member)
Quail Unlimited (Sponsor for many years)
Ducks Unlimited (Oconee Area chairman 1980)
Middle Georgia Gun Owners Association
Sons of Confederate Veterans, Hardy B. Smith Camp (direct descendant of more than a dozen soldiers of the Confederate States of America)
Georgia Outdoor Writers Association
The Jekyll Island State Park Authority, 2003- 2006 (Vice Chairman)
Activities of Faith:
Received Christ as Savior: Age 16, Corinth Baptist Church, Stone Mountain, GA
Member, Dublin Bible Church (charter member)
Elder, Dublin Bible Church
Medical missionary to Jamaica, Honduras, Bolivia, Peru, Kenya, and Armenia covering 28 mission trips (eye surgery approximately two weeks annually 1986 to 2015 when J.Y. retired. Performing over 1000 operations for the glory of Jesus.
Trinity Christian School--Board member 1979-1995, President of the School Board (1989-1995)
Sportsmen's Prayer Breakfast, Safari Club International Convention, founder and first speaker, 1995
Organizations Actively Supported:
Trinity Christian School, Dublin, GA
Dublin Bible Church
Middle Georgia Sav-A-Life
Dallas Theological Seminary
Moody Bible Institute
Campus Crusade for Christ (and the Jesus Film Project)
Institute for Creation Research
CAM International (Central American Missions)
Prison Fellowship
American Family Association
Focus on the Family
Concerned Women of America
Walk through the Bible
World Vision
Wycliff Bible Translators
Samaritan's Purse
Compassion International
Cross Trail Outfitters
Nonprofessional Activities and Awards:
Founder, St. Patrick's Festival Road Race, Dublin, GA (1977)
Honorary Leprechaun, 1980 (presented to person who does most to promote the
Dublin-Laurens St. Patrick's Festival)
President's Award, Safari Club International, 1995 and 2006
Director, Polar Bear Initiative, Safari Club International 1992-present (succeeded in changing the U. S. Marine Mammal Protection Act to allow import of legally
harvested polar bear trophies from Canada)
House Resources Committee of the U. S. Congress, testimony on polar bear imports April 30, 1997
Instrument rated private and multiengine pilot with over 1200 hours of flying time (inactive at present)
First place , Excellence in Craft Competition 1995, Georgia Outdoor Writers Association, magazine article division
Third place, Excellence in Craft Competition1995, Georgia Outdoor Writers Association, color photo division
First place , Excellence in Craft Competition 1996, Georgia Outdoor Writers Association, color photo division
First place, Excellence in Craft Competition 1998, Georgia Outdoor Writers Association, magazine article division
First place, Excellence in Craft Competition 2011, Georgia Outdoor Writers Association, daily newspaper article division
The David Livingstone Award for the hunter/humanitarian of the year from the Christian Sportsmen’s Fellowship, February 2000
The Crockford Award, Outstanding Georgia sportsman, 2003
Primary avocation: Hunting
Some 350 articles published to date in the hunting/outdoor literature. Hunted in 18 U. S. States and 7 Canadian Provinces, plus Mexico, as well as some 30 countries of Asia, Europe, and Australia/Oceania. Major book on taking the 43 North American big game species and subspecies with the same .30-06 rifle ("One Man, One Rifle, One Land") published in January 2001 (Safari Press, Huntington Beach, CA). A sequel to that book, using a different Remington rifle in Eurasia, featuring 72 big game species has been submitted to Safari Press for publication